Find your way back to a flourishing mind + body through trauma healing
+ brain retraining

We deeply understand the challenge of living in this world with a dysregulated, imbalanced, stress-activated body. There is no area that goes untouched by the impact of our potent survival energy. Regardless of our dreams, goals + longings, we are bound by the regulation capacity of our nervous systems. 

We can help you...

heal Your trauma

Find Your Voice

Become More Embodied


recover from chronic pain + illness

Find Your Way Back

Cultivating an environment where healing can happen

Learning the mysterious language of our body, and the specific nature of our story, allows us the tremendous opportunity to create a harmonious partnership with our nervous system. It is in this newfound place of attunement + empowerment that we are able to find our way back to the life we deeply long for. 

16 Signs & Symptoms of Nervous System Dysregulation

Download Your Free GUide

16 Signs & Symptoms of Nervous System Dysregulation

Download Your Free GUide


The 16 signs of nervous system regulation

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the guide

Achieve Wholeness in Body, Heart + Mind

Tired of feeling so fragile, like everything can so easily dysregulate your body? Wanting to simply live without so many things restricting you + holding you back?

It’s not just about what we do, but  also what we don’t do. The stressors + unhealed traumas  we have greatly impact us, but also the rhythms + practices that we don’t have in place to alleviate stress + its impacts on the
body matter immensely.

Rewire out of the effects
of chronic stress + trauma,
into joy, connection
vibrant health + regulation 

Finding Your Way Back













Healing Stories

"Lauren & Luke have lived the achingly brutal and strikingly beautiful experience of being human, and gotten curious about how to do it all with eyes wide open. Flourish Therapy is them inviting us all into the same brutiful journey of learning to let all parts of our story — pains, hopes, fears, longings and joys — guide us into a truer, freer sense of ourselves and others. They have my full confidence + an unreasonable amount of gratitude for who they have been to me in my healing."

"The principles of nervous system regulation were a whole new idea to me. I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression, going on and off medications for 13+ years. So much struggle. I’ve seen multiple counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Some were no help at all, and some were beneficial to my growth, yet none of them compared to the tools I gained from my sessions with Luke and Lauren from Flourish Therapy. Learning some of the root reasons for my anxiety and depression, how to relate to my own nervous system, and how to address my foundational needs changed how I view my mental health. This is the first time I feel equipped in my journey toward healing and wholeness."

"I was stuck in a very bad place before engaging with Flourish Therapy. Chronic pain, anxiety, and despair seemed like it would be my lot in life. Luke and Lauren's unique blend of compassion, coaching, instruction, and support helped break me loose. Thanks to Flourish Therapy, I'm engaging with life more and walking a much healthier road. I'm so thankful!"

"My husband and I have been to many counselors throughout our marriage/life. But we’ve made more progress toward healing in the short time we’ve worked with Luke and Lauren than we have in all of our previous years of counseling combined. To say they are fantastic at what they do is an understatement. I cannot recommend them enough."

"Thank you for your encouragement to explore long buried wounds. You told me I was brave when I was afraid. You told me I was doing good when I was sure I was failing. You taught me how self-compassion and self-forgiveness are brave. You taught me that it is ok to love myself. I will forever be grateful."

"Luke and Lauren are amazing! I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and in my three months with Luke and Lauren I have seen a significant improvement in my symptoms and I can only see this healing progressing into the future. Luke and Lauren are knowledgeable, empathetic and a non-judgemental presence. Most importantly their work on nervous system regulation and rewiring the brain is truly effective for healing."

"I am so grateful for Luke and Lauren and the Signature Program. I serve abuse survivors and have been teetering on the edge of burnout for awhile, so this three month program helped me navigate many personal and professional concerns. I have many traumaverseries during the summer months and it was valuable to have the lessons and sessions to work through those memories. I have mastered rest and restriction, but never learned about regulation. Thanks to this program, I now have many practical tools to help with nervous system regulation."

"I found Luke to be the perfect blend of personal and professional. His questions and direction were excellent. I have realized how important my underlying beliefs are in affecting my feelings and ultimately my behaviors. His experiences before counseling very much helped him to be able to relate to me in the situation I found myself in. would definitely recommend Luke to anyone looking to heal + grow. I have experienced so much more joy, peace, and enthusiasm for life from working with him."

"Lauren was able to reassure me, help me feel heard, and gave me practical and manageable tools to begin healing my body. I have lots more energy and the brain fog is gone. I am working full time now and I can see a noticeable improvement over previous years that I never noticed needed help before. Thanks for your help in that really scary and murky beginning. All in all very thankful!"

"You have helped me through some deep waters in my life and don't know how to thank you. It meant so much that you understood my pain, my fragility and my brokenness in all of this. Thank you for not holding that against me or over me. I have very few places to be open and understood these days. I hope if I ever need to talk to someone else in the future, I can find someone half as good. I have benefitted so immensely from our sessions."

"Lauren, the process you’ve walked me through has helped me feel remarkably better. I haven’t felt this much energy in ages. And not having so many digestive problems is really great. I am actually losing weight without exerting so much effort. It feels so good to understand my body and mind, and know how to support myself in such a powerful way."

"As a therapist who has gone to therapy before, I never imagined I would or could experience this level of healing and growth. Before starting the program with Luke and Lauren, I was anxious, irritable, on edge, and so much more. After completing the program, I’ve no longer experienced much of the symptoms I did in the past and I’ve gained the coping skills to confidently cope with whatever comes up. I was in such a hypersensitive, sympathetic state at the start of the program and would become so easily irritated. This led to constant flare ups of inflammation in my joints/body that would occur at least daily. Towards the end of our sessions, it had only occurred once, maybe twice, in the past two months. And when it happens, I no longer fight it. I try my best to take an observant, non-judgmental stance. Luke and Lauren were both so supportive, empathetic, knowledgeable, and encouraging along my healing journey. "

"We want to express our thanks and appreciation for your care for us in the counseling process. You encouraged us many times in our relationship struggles and helped us to go deeper than immediate "fix-its" to examine what was going on in our thinking and beliefs, as well as in our brains and physiological responses. Your transparency in how you've dealt with similar issues was relatable and refreshing, helping us to see that we are not alone. A huge THANK YOU for your skilled and caring work with us." 

"Each time we have met with Luke and Lauren, we finish feeling encouraged and deeply loved. Their passion and immense knowledge of the mind/body/spirit connection creates a unique dynamic duo to help others cultivate a similar awareness. They are truly offering something really special between the two of them. As a result of my time working with Lauren, we were able to decipher the reasons behind my physical fatigue, low blood sugar symptoms, chronic candida and stress related anxiety. You ALL are in for a treat!!!"

"I felt like I was able to trust Luke very quickly and felt quite comfortable with him. He has strength, and can see through people's words in such a unique way. He has a great understanding of who I am, what I am experiencing and I appreciate his gracious guidance. We felt he was a great combination of compassion, understanding, and truth-telling. Our couples sessions with him were excellent and we are so grateful." 

"Working with Lauren has been life-changing. When I began working with her I was really struggling with my health as my autoimmune disease was really affecting my daily life. From brain fog to fatigue, to hair loss to several other issues. Working with Lauren has really rocked my whole world. Her direction has helped me live a healthier, fuller life. I feel hopeful, joyful and so so thankful!"

"Flourish Therapy gave me a new lease on life. I was stuck in a very bad place. Chronic pain, anxiety, and despair seemed like it would be my lot in life. Luke and Lauren's unique blend of compassion, coaching, instruction, and support helped break me loose. During the treatment, I was able to process and release some very troubling memories and past events. The most powerful moments for me were when voiceless parts of me got to speak. During EMDR and sharing my "art therapy", I felt like some big healing happened. As I gained healing and freedom, my chronic physical pain lessened and stopped taking up most of my conscious focus. If you feel weighed down, stuck, or hindered by unwanted baggage, I strongly recommend Flourish Therapy. Now that I have finished trauma therapy, I have noticed a significant reduction in my chronic shoulder pain. My emotional reaction to the pain is greatly reduced and I feel more at peace than I have in a long time...maybe ever."

"Luke and Lauren not only know their fields well and are equipped to help others work towards mental and physical well being, they both connect and empathize on such a personal level. They are so relatable and approachable that it makes for a safe, easy place to be vulnerable and work through difficult things. They're genuine, honest and caring people which helps create a great therapeutic environment."

"The sessions I’ve had with Luke have been life-altering. Throughout my sessions, I have acquired knowledge about my limbic (emotional) system, how to maintain it, the importance of recognizing familiar and unfamiliar sensations, and the type of attachment style I have. Each session with Luke has opened more knowledge of self-awareness, which enables healing from childhood-based traumas. Not only do these sessions support management of previous experiences, but also lends a hand to manage further unknown ventures."

"Luke has played an integral role in my relational, emotional and spiritual health over the last 3 years. He has gently led me through foggy areas of my past, put words to experiences that I'm unable to verbalize, and fathered me in ways that are deeply healing. His approach, kindness and humility are exactly what I have needed in my journey to health."

"Our 20 year marriage has been given a new chance at life in areas we thought were impossible. It IS hard work, but with the help of Luke at Flourish we are finally seeing hope.  Individually we have seen growth, and a new vision for what our lives can be. I am learning to find my voice, and to use personal areas of giftedness , whereas I would have assumed in the past, that those gifts were to be stored away for another season of life. My kids benefit when Mom is healthy and they see me released from lies that held me back for years. I can't say enough for the life saving gift that we gave ourselves when we decided to seek help from Flourish. Our only regret is not prioritizing this sooner."

"I am so grateful for Luke and Lauren. Their knowledge and insight have been so helpful and I am amazed at how much I learned, grew and healed in just the 3 short months. I gained so many tools to help me in the future when I feel frustrated or stuck. I am still working through my healing but it feels attainable. I am feeling much more myself and enjoying life again and it feels so good to have my hope restored."