The combination of trauma healing + brain retraining is what built our life back brick by brick, as we stepped out of the roles we had been playing for so long, and into our true selves--- free, whole and healing. Luke’s depression hasn’t returned, and he has learned how to support his nervous system so anxiety no longer rules his life. Lauren's 70+ symptoms have reduced dramatically, she's lost diagnoses, and went from tolerating only 10 foods to eating everything! Learning about trauma and healing really DOES matter. We champion you as you try to understand yourself, your story and your body- may the healing flow!
In Healing and Wholeness,
Lauren + Luke
This shield was for your protection, but once the actual threat has passed, it becomes a hindrance to your flourishing. (The memory of the threat stays alive and active in the body long after the acute threat has passed, until it experiences resolution). Not only are the hard emotions like grief, shame, regret, heartache, (sometimes […]
Pleasure is an innately human experience and pursuit. The embodied pursuit of pleasure is a means of expressing our aliveness, while in alignment with our values, which connects us more deeply with our true self. It is glorious, life-giving and deeply healing. Why so many of us fear our pleasure, or the pursuit of pleasure […]