This quote goes well with a concept about parts we’ve been mulling over. It goes like this: “If a part of a person/personality is really extreme, it’s likely to be burdened.” I’m sure there are exceptions to this idea, but it seems like for the most part when you see extremeness in yourself, a system […]
It can be absolutely terrifying getting to know certain parts. While they have served important purposes in your internal system, you still might not be well acquainted with them. Often the very opposite is true. The secrets of when they formed, why they were needed, what compels them, and how they’re trying to help you […]
IFS is a modality used inside and outside of therapy that facilitates the strengthening of relationships between the parts within your internal system. It is non-pathologizing, and while it recognizes the impact of burdened parts can be harmful, it reminds us the intention behind the part is somehow for your good. BASIC MODEL: It is […]
Pleasure is an innately human experience and pursuit. The embodied pursuit of pleasure is a means of expressing our aliveness, while in alignment with our values, which connects us more deeply with our true self. It is glorious, life-giving and deeply healing. Why so many of us fear our pleasure, or the pursuit of pleasure […]